Zivon Gurung - Guitars
Sandeep Gurung - Vocals
Rajkumar Gurung - Drums
Subash Karna - Bass
DOWNLOAD: http://www.pkrrocks.com
GENRE: Black and Death
STATUS: Active
Initially named as ‘BEHELD IN SHROUD’
Location: Pokhara
Year of Inception: 2006
Formed by: Zivon Gurung
Influences: Burzum, Emperor, Opeth, Cradle of Filth, Lamb of God
Album(s) released - None
They are more into performing their own originals rather than performing covers. Originals till date: 4 numbers with full composition with one nepali number called ‘Atripta Kaal ko Yatra’. All the songs written and composed by Zivon Gurung
Fav Local Band: Refused 13, Beyond, Cruentus, Albatross
Future Projection: to organize a gig on June 6, (667 theme concert) it should have been 666.
Fact: All of the members are Civil Engineering Students