"Nepal's Top News Portal, with Fast and accurate news, Videos, Live FM, Photo Gallery and more", says the facebook page of ekantipur. Ekantipur in a way has revolutionized the newspaper industry of nepal by going online. The 'epaper' service which gives us the advantage of reading the paper version online at any time we like is really astounding.
Ekantipur was launched on 01-Apr-2005. Though it's ranked 9 in top traffic in Nepal the load speed of the site is very slow (11,954 ms) which means in average 98% sites are faster than it. However 60% of visitors are from Nepal which has slower internet speed compared to other countries. So just imagine how long it will take to load the site in an average nepali computer.Ekantipur is growing as a top destination of nepali internet users however due the low load speed of the site it may loose viewers in the future. I hope it's speed will increase in the future